Soultuitive® Leadership Courses

Take A Course With Clare Josa & Her Certified Mentors

Clare Josa has twenty years' experience as a professional trainer, specialising in courses that are fluff-free, practical, inspirational, and designed to create high-impact, low-effort change.

She has been a pioneer of online and hybrid training, so her courses are available worldwide. She can deliver them face-to-face for your organisation, as well, subject to her diary availability for travel.

Choose Your Next Course

For individuals

Whether you're looking to ditch Imposter Syndrome, to send your Inner Critic to Bootcamp, to connect with your Intuition, or to Step Up To Lead at the next level, Clare Josa has a course you'll love.

Plus you can also train to support others with the work that Clare shares, with her Imposter Syndrome First-Aider program and her post-grad Imposter Syndrome Mentor certification.

Which course will you take next?

Courses Open To Individuals

For companies & organisations

Clare runs a range of courses that are available in-house for organisations. These include scalable solutions for confidence, Imposter Syndrome, preventing burnout, and her Natural Resilience Method® for growing thriving teams, as well as bespoke training and consulting solutions.

Clare also runs trainings that allow you to become self-sufficient, including her Imposter Syndrome First-Aider course, the post-grad Imposter Syndrome Mentor certification, and her Natural Resilience Method® Train-The-Trainer program.

All of Clare's courses are available worldwide as blended learning (self-study with online small-group tutorials) and many are also available face-to-face.

Courses For Organisations

get certified

Clare Josa offers the world's only certification program to become an Imposter Syndrome Mentor. This is a post-grad program (ILM Level 7) for experienced coaches, therapists and mentors.

And she has a certified Imposter Syndrome First-Aider training (ILM Level 5) which is available to those without prior coaching experience.

Find Out About Getting Certified Here

free resources

Dipping your toe in the water? Want to find out more about what it's like to work with Clare, while you also make progress on clearing out Imposter Syndrome or taming your Inner Critic?

Looking for the latest research data on Imposter Syndrome and burnout?

Clare has a range of free resources, including high-impact mini-courses, PDF guides, research white papers, and instant-access masterclasses.

Dive In Here Now

Clare's readers' clubs

Clare's books come with additional resources, including MP3s, videos, workbooks and even podcasts!

They help to turn your book into an interactive course.

Already a reader of one of Clare's books?

Sign up for a readers' club here

Find out more about Clare's books

1:1 Coaching

Clare has a handful of places each year to work with people 1:1.

She also has certified Imposter Syndrome Mentors who are perfectly placed to support you with clearing out blocks to confidence and ditching Imposter Syndrome.

Find out about 1:1 support here

Not sure which one to choose?
Use Clare's course-selector quiz to get personalised recommendations straight to your inbox.

A Personal Message From Clare Josa

I started this work 20 years ago, after a corporate career in Six Sigma Mechanical Engineering and then as Head of Market Research for one of the world's most disruptive brands.

I was fed up with watching people trying to use yet more coping strategies to succeed, despite their secret fears, pushing on through the hidden anxiety, and pretending to the outside world that they were confident, whilst dreading anyone hearing their 3am self-talk.

I watched people self-sabotage, without even realising. I saw, over and over again, as they dreamed big, but played small.

I had trained as an NLP Trainer, but even those tools weren't enough to deal with the deepest root causes of what was driving the behaviour I was seeing. And it set me off on a mission.

What I teach is grounded in two decades of enquiry, study, running research studies, evidencing outcomes, and inspiring people to clear out the secret, self-imposed glass ceiling they didn't realise they had put there, to become who they really are.

This work is now available to individuals and organisations, to create life and cultural change in ways that are fast, fun and forever.

From supported self-study programs for individuals, through to training in-house Imposter Syndrome First-Aiders and Natural Resilience Method® Master Coaches to support your teams, these tools are proven to create breakthroughs in minutes, not months.

Here's where you can find out about how the courses we have created could help you and your teams. And if you're not sure which ones would most benefit your organisation, to create scalable solutions for toxic resilience, burnout and Imposter Syndrome, then here's where to book a call.

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