Do you find clients are struggling with Imposter Syndrome, and it's affecting the results you can get with them?
Maybe they feel like they've tried everything, and nothing has worked?
But you don't want them to feel like this is forever and just something they have to put up with?
There is another way!
Pick Clare Josa's Brain On Coaching Clients With Imposter Syndrome
Free 60-minute live session with a global authority on deeply clearing Imposter Syndrome and preventing burnout.
Only for coaches, therapists, line managers and consultants whose clients & colleagues secretly self-sabotage - and you want to know how to set them free from this!
For those who want to take clients beyond 'coping strategies'.
You're doing your best. You watch clients pour iced-water on the flames of their dreams and goals... You're getting results, helping them to succeed despite Imposter Syndrome. But deep down you wish there were ways to support them to truly set themselves free from this, once and for all.
The brilliant news is that there are. And it's not your fault that you haven't found them yet - it took Clare a decade of research, experimenting and testing, to reverse-engineer how she accidentally cracked the code, back in 2001.
And that's what she wants to share with you in this live, interactive session.

What You'll Cover
Join Clare Josa, a global authority in Imposter Syndrome, international keynote speaker, author of eight books, and Master Coach Trainer, for this live, interactive session
on Wednesday December 20th at 2pm UK / 9am EST
and you will discover:
The Missing Link
The single biggest myth that most coaches and consultants don't realise is holding clients back from the success they crave, reducing the impact of your coaching, no matter how hard you try.
5 Steps To Breakthroughs
Clare's science-back 5-step process that is proven to create transformations in ways that are fast, fun and forever, even if clients feel like they've tried everything. Plus techniques you can start using today.
Answers To Your Questions
Pre-submit a question for Clare to answer, and pick her brain, live on the call. Whatever you have ever wanted to know about Imposter Syndrome, but were kinda scared to ask! (And get a personalised action plan).
Move Into 2024 With Renewed Confidence & Proven Strategies
Forget 'cobbling together' hope-based Imposter Syndrome tools for clients. Instead, make sure you know exactly what works best, and why, to get them creating breakthroughs in minutes, not months.
Register For Your Free Ticket Today
Join us on 20th December at 2pm UK / 9am EST
To register, complete Clare's Imposter Syndrome Scorecard to get your own Imposter Syndrome score and a personalised action plan, plus a chance within the scorecard to ask Clare a question that she'll answer for you, live on the call!