Imposter Syndrome 101
For line managers, HR professionals, coaches, therapists, Mental Health First-Aiders.
Imposter Syndrome Essentials Training
Imposter Syndrome - and the burnout it is now proven to create - are two of the biggest issues facing organisations with their teams. But how big is the problem, really?
Struggle with Imposter Syndrome daily or regularly
Compare themselves to others daily, and judge themselves
Lack confidence when speaking up with their ideas in meetings.
And 1 in 7 has considered quitting their job, due to Imposter Syndrome,
in the past week, alone.
Source: Our 2019, 2022 and 2023 international research studies.
Knowing How To Spot & Prevent Imposter Syndrome Is An Essential Leadership Skill
Whether you're looking to improve the performance, wellbeing and retention of your team members, or looking to get clients better results, the hidden impact of Imposter Syndrome is unignorable.
But how do you move beyond 'tea and sympathy' and passing on yet more coping strategies?
Fist, you need to know how to spot the warning signs, because people work hard to hide them.
Then you need to know how to raise the conversation, without people hiding round corners to avoid you for the rest of time.
But then what do you say?
Imposter Syndrome 101 gives you the foundations you need to feel confident in leading that conversation, and tools to be able to give people back hope that there are things they can do to set themselves free from Imposter Syndrome, as well as options for how to signpost them to the deeper help they might need.
When a team member comes to me to talk about Imposter Syndrome, I can get so far, but then I don't know what to say or what to do to help them, besides offering sympathy and pep talks.
Simon, Head of Marketing
Imposter Syndrome 101
The course is in bite-sized chunks, 10-15 minutes each day for 5 days, with additional, optional deep-dive resources for areas that are of particular interest to you.
In total, including the deep-dive materials, the training takes about 3 hours to complete, and it's easy to pick up where you left off, whenever you have time. You will be eligible for a CPD certificate, once you have finished it.
Here's what you'll cover:
Day 1 - What On Earth Is Imposter Syndrome?
Learn Clare Josa's 'lightbulb-moment' definition that brings near-instant relief. How is Imposter Syndrome different to self-doubt? What is its role in the gender pay gap & the lack of parity in leadership roles?
Day 2 - How To Spot The Hidden Warning Signs
How to spot them in yourself, in colleagues, and in clients - so you can help to prevent self-sabotage - and the little-known impact on performance, productivity, people, and profit.
Day 3 - Dispelling The Myths
The internet is full of Imposter Syndrome myths that keep us stuck, masquerading as good advice. Find out how to spot & ditch them - the good, the bad & the downright ugly - with one simple question.
Day 4 - Removing The Taboo
Why has what you've been doing not working? And it's not your fault! The vital importance of removing the taboo, and how to do this, without creating a 'pity-party' or a badge of honour for poor performance.
Day 5 - What Freedom Feels Like
Clare will share her science-backed, proven 5-step solution for setting yourself free from Imposter Syndrome, once and for all, with the bonus side effect that it can also prevent burnout and toxic resilience.
And You'll Wrap Up The Week With an instant access Q&A call replay with Clare Josa
In it, Clare answers questions from people like you about how to help others with Imposter Syndrome. And if you've got a question she hasn't covered, there's the option to send it to her.
Get instant access to day one of this course in the next 5 minutes.
Feel more confident and informed when the topic of Imposter Syndrome comes up, with the latest research, and practical steps you can take to deal with it
- for yourself and others.
Note: for individual use only. Not to be broadcast or shared without a licence.
Please contact us for a bulk licence to use this as an in-house training for your company.
We'll never share your email address & you can unsubscribe at any time. We hate spam, too!
Who Is This Foundation-Level Training For?

You'll also learn Clare's science-backed, proven 5-Step process to clear Imposter Syndrome and burnout - the Natural Resilience Method®.
Line Managers & Business Leaders
You can see team members holding back, and perhaps self-sabotaging, but how can you prevent this, when you might even be struggling with Imposter Syndrome yourself?
HR Professionals
Stress-related sick leave, sabbatical requests, & performance issues are soaring. Then there's staff retention... What is Imposter Syndrome's role in this, and in burnout?
Coaches & Therapists
You're doing your best, but certain clients just don't get the results you'd hoped for, and you sense it's Imposter Syndrome making them self-sabotage. How can you better help them?

Meet Your Host: Clare Josa
Clare is considered a global authority on Imposter Syndrome, having spent 20+ years specialising in the field, including leading 3 landmark research studies and publishing the best-selling book: Ditching Imposter Syndrome.
She originally trained as a Mechanical Engineer, then became Head of Market Research for one of the world's most disruptive brands. But it's not all left-brained: she's also a meditation and yoga teacher, and has been an NLP Trainer since 2003.
Her work is an inspired blend of the best of practical psychology and neuroscience, plus demystified ancient wisdom, helping you to create breakthroughs in minutes, not months.
She is a sought-after international keynote speaker and is often interviewed in the media.

Clare In Numbers
8 Books
helping over 100,000 people change their life
20 Years
as an international keynote speaker
podcast listeners in over 100 countries